
Battlin' femnazis, hippies, Jews, homos, Reptilians, and other lamers.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Jews Ruin Family Reunion: Softball game not to be rescheduled

Please excuse my absence.  Mother unfortunately was mauled by a polar bear at the Central Park Zoo during a family reunion.  Why mother hopped over the rail to swim into the jaws of death can only be explained by the Jewish-Reptilian-Homosexual-Canadian forces of evil slipping her LSD in hopes of causing me to be too emotionally devastated to fight further against their wicked agenda. 

They underestimate me.

Mother would want me to push forward by using the substantial life insurance in her name to reveal the evil lurking under every yamaka. If she understood how the world really worked while she lived the word “crazy” would be replaced by courage and “disappointment” with hero.  She left us too early.  Unfortunately the family reunion also ended early.  I was looking forward to the softball game.

I dedicate a poem to the woman who carried me in her tummy for 7 months.  She didn't understand my sacred mission but I know Jesus, Elohim, and Joseph Smith are explaining it to her in a way I couldn't in Valhalla.

 No Softball Until Next Year

By ManGod

There is no softball this year
Mother is gone
There is no softball this year
Jews took mother away
There is no softball this year
Mother was fed to the polar bear
There is no softball this year
Uncle Walter isn’t drunk at first base
Cousin Bobby isn’t wearing a jock strap inside out for giggles
Aunt Mina isn’t calling strikes that are balls
Cousin Paula isn’t rolling her eyes at shortstop calling everything ‘ghey’
There is no softball today
The Jews took mother away

RIP Yolanda Marie De Castro-Schicklgruber

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