The Big Picture: the only reason hot, submissive girlfriends turn into bitchy ex-girlfriends
As someone who is never wrong I find it disconcerting when a woman decides, or most likely her girlfriends decide for her, she no longer wants to be in a relationship with me. It’s clear she doesn’t understand the role nature has given her and the consequences for not accepting this role. The obvious consequence being impregnation by an inferior male. This unfortunate situation was not known during the Golden Era of Manhood. It was an era that began with God breathing life into his greatest creation, man. Unaware of his own greatness God took pity on man and made from mud women as a sad comparison to man’s greatness. Now knowing his true worth man ruled over the globe, while women satisfied his every need. The age came to a halt during the women’s “liberation movement” in the 1960s. Women of a submissive and gentler nature had their minds twisted and turned by the culmination of dyke literature. The feeble brain of our female species could not grasp the intent of the women’s “liberation movement” was to allow dykes access to higher quality vagina. At the beginning of the onslaught the masculinity of the Aryan man kept the dykes at bay. Their world was limited to their unattractive breed. In alliance with the “people who shall not be named,” or otherwise known as the Jews, the dykes began picking up ground and finally with the Jewish owned entertainment industry women were ironically subject to effeminate men as the model of masculinity (please see David Bowie). The turning of the clock is an impossibility until the feminizing Jewish media culture is crushed by Aryan purchasing power. As the Wu-Tang says, “Money rules everything around me.” You, good sir, have the power. You simply need the will to power.
The Small Picture: Regaining your balls
Fighting off the Jewish-Reptilian onslaught on American culture is a difficult process that certainly will end in failure unless you are able to fight smaller personal battles effectively. A culture warrior with a weak heart will fail on the front lines. One of the most common causes of failure is being a pussy. Being a pussy is a consequence of having a heartless bitch pwn you and not being man enough to take your balls back.
Here are few ways you can regain your balls by punishing the heartless demon woman.
Choice of Punishment: No man wants you (also known as my new girlfriend is hotter than you)
First Step: Nice profile pic
Despite your former girlfriend being the one to break off ties she will feel lost in a world of sleazy club and barhopping men looking to penetrate her. This sense of loss will last as long as your manly essence stays in her system causing her to be in a state of depression for as long as your essence, which, depending on the power of your essence, may last from two weeks to two months. Amanda will feel more annoyed than usual at the jackals that surround her.
Her less attractive friends will suggest she join a free online dating website as they did. They’ll go on about how it did wonders for them. Having their most attractive friend join their ranks in virtual dating is a boost to their own egos at first. Misery loves company. Their malicious pleasure will not last long. They’ll be even more miserable when their attractive friend is collecting messages from what appears to be high quality men, while they‘re inundated with messages by inferior men. What first appeared to be an ego booster for her fugly friends is now the nails being hammered into their coffin, sealing their self esteem for an eternity of bitterness and vibrator abuse. As much as their suffering puts a smile on your face the best is yet to come.
It shouldn’t be difficult to find your ex-girlfriend on a dating website. You know her location, age, height, and interests. What may be somewhat time consuming is creating a profile for various dating websites to view. I suggest you sign up for paying websites in case the bitch is willing to shell out money.
Once you find her (and you certainly will) it won’t matter whether your essence is out of her system. She may be inundated by what appears to be high quality men but each one is abnormal in some way. You must move quickly before she becomes discouraged by all the creeps and deletes her account. Create a profile that she would drool over. You know what she likes and what she doesn’t like. Find photos of a man online you know she‘ll find attractive. You can take them from other dating websites. The messaging back and forth should be easy; you know exactly what to tell her. Schedule a date at an expensive restaurant and you’re set for the next step.
Second Step: One large breasted model, please
Call an escort service asking for a woman of a similar age as your ex-girlfriend. Keep Amanda’s insecurities in mind. For example, if she was always complaining about her ass then ask for a escort with a shapely ass. Emphasize you want her dressed casually; jeans, blouse, etc.
Note: do not get “ethnic.” A Black woman would not create any jealousy, which is your intent. Asian women have low standards in White men. You want to show you’re desired by better women than Amanda. Latin women will have sex with anyone. Foreign women would be find in other situations but because of her stunning good looks “escort” may be written across her face. Keep it White and keep it American.
Third Step: Eyes wide shut
Have a friend stationed across the street from the fancy restaurant waiting for her to storm out once she loses her patience waiting for her date. At this point your friend will call her cell phone. He will apologize for the wait and say he’ll be at the restaurant in five minutes. She may or may not wait. If she does then I hope you enjoy the laugh. If she doesn’t, don’t worry about it. The best is soon to come. Your friend will let you know in which direction her damaged ego is walking.
Fourth Step: Have you met my new hot girlfriend, you soul sucking bitch?
This is the “money shot” you’ve been waiting for, my fellow culture warrior. Amanda is feeling vulnerable. She doesn’t believe the night can get any worse but now here you come with your sexy new girlfriend. Your new squeeze nestles in close to your chest and you have a big smile on your face. That smile stretches ear to ear when you “by chance” come across your former girlfriend. She spends the first few seconds looking at your new lady friend from top the bottom and her feeling of self worth plummets to a new low. She just got stood up. You’re doing fine without her. Not expecting to come across you and your happy go lucky awesomeness she won’t be prepared to put on a false front. Watch her face closely for pure enjoyment. You’ll be able to see Amanda’s soul break.
Feel better?
Choice of Punishment: Tale of the Tape
First Step: Omnipresence
Before the start of your relationship you should keep your place bugged. This will allow you to have on tape what she thinks of others while not breaking any state or federal laws (warning #1: you must be present during the recording). You can save a great deal of time by drawing information from her at your place about friends, co-workers, and boss. After a night where you totally rocked her world both sexually and philosophically, you step out into the other room and transfer those key moments of gossip to another tape, while ignoring her usual gibberish about aspirations of being a famous sculptor, which she never shuts up about.
Second Step: The dragon of vengeance has a hundred heads
Once you’ve created your “Amanda’s Bitching about Friends, Family, and Co-workers” you are ready to move to the next step. Make a new tape for each of the above mentioned and mail it.
No need to worry about repercussions. Nothing she says will be completely accepted as truth by former friends, angry family members, and pissed off co-workers.
Third Step: Laughter is the thumb pressing against her wound
Make a tape of you laughing and send it to your ex-girlfriend. She won‘t listen for longer than a few seconds before destroying the tape the way you destroyed her life but a few seconds of your mocking laughter will live on in her subconscious forever.
I just had an orgasm just thinking about it.

Battlin' femnazis, hippies, Jews, homos, Reptilians, and other lamers.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Saturday, December 3, 2011
The Gay Canadian Conspiracy: Sodomy-A-Go-Go
Every American man with a muscular body, tight abs, and a firm ass should be worried at the horror that awaits them around each and every corner. Your world, American man, is at an end. I can already hear the snide remarks. “Don’t bother me with your nervous dribble,” you say. “I’m the American man. I like my meat bloody, beer cold, and women voluptuous. No man will take that from me.” It’s not a man that will tear your world. It’s the ‘the people who shall not be named.’ They’re also known as… Jews. It’s not necessary to pretend your heart didn’t skip a beat just now. Don’t pretend you’re not perspiring as the word Jew echoes in your brain. I see your shoulders slack, your face droop, and knees buckle. You lost before the fight began. You lost because you weren’t prepared. The sodomizing Jewish homosexual Canadian horde will be at your door soon enough. What is keeping your anus free from their clutches? Only time but time is running out.
Canadians: A Fallen Volk
For decades we thought the Canadian man was one of us. We thought he was tough with his hockey and rugged like his Saskatewan prairies. From the Atlantic to Pacific Ocean he dipped his toe and in between he spread his golden haired brood. Like the American man he was king of his frontier, ruler over the red savages that once infested the land, and master of his sexuality. But unlike the American man he came across a breed of people in mass known as the French. They were too large to weed from Canadian society as was done in America. Abundant in number and opening tacky flower shops they were eventually isolated in the land of Quebec (“Land of effeminate Frogs“; loosely translated from the French). Knowing the dangers of socializing with the limp wrist French the Aryan Canadian man kept his distance. They were an unnatural people making natural love only to propagate their brood but otherwise preferred “the love that shall not be named.” Also known as homosexual sex. The fine line separating the Aryan and Frenchman would exist today if it were not for the conniving of the Jew.
Where ever the Aryan’s adventurous spirit takes him the Jew is not far behind planning his demise. It hides behind the Aryan man’s shadow waiting for its opportunity to destroy the civilization built completely with heterosexual Aryan hands. The clever Jew worms his way amongst the Aryans disguising himself as one of them with an eye open for weakness but finding the Aryan too noble and as close to perfection as possible the Jew, with the aide of Reptilians, learned to cross breed the different species of man for their diabolical ends. Aryan women were kidnapped from their homesteads and forced into sexual submission to Frenchmen. This bastard race in sheep’s clothing were shipped across Canada to be fostered and adopted by unsuspecting Aryans. The hybrids were French enough to be queer but Aryan enough to be straight. The gay gene that defines those tainted by French blood spread like fire across the land. Each generation produced more effeminate men than the last until finally… not a single straight man could be found amongst our Canadian neighbors.
He was our brother to the north but no more. For years the Jews have been fooling the American man into believing Canadians were just like us but recent documents have come to light on the Jewish Reptilians plan to have their homosexual Canadian army sodomize the American man into submission, covertly named Sodomy-A-Go-Go.
You’ve Been Raped By A Canadian
If the dishonor of being sodomized by a gay Canadian doesn’t get you to pull those shoulders back, tighten that jaw, and prepare a war stance then the American man deserves every painful thrust. There is still time to save yourself, American man, but only if you have the will to power.
Canadians: A Fallen Volk
For decades we thought the Canadian man was one of us. We thought he was tough with his hockey and rugged like his Saskatewan prairies. From the Atlantic to Pacific Ocean he dipped his toe and in between he spread his golden haired brood. Like the American man he was king of his frontier, ruler over the red savages that once infested the land, and master of his sexuality. But unlike the American man he came across a breed of people in mass known as the French. They were too large to weed from Canadian society as was done in America. Abundant in number and opening tacky flower shops they were eventually isolated in the land of Quebec (“Land of effeminate Frogs“; loosely translated from the French). Knowing the dangers of socializing with the limp wrist French the Aryan Canadian man kept his distance. They were an unnatural people making natural love only to propagate their brood but otherwise preferred “the love that shall not be named.” Also known as homosexual sex. The fine line separating the Aryan and Frenchman would exist today if it were not for the conniving of the Jew.
Where ever the Aryan’s adventurous spirit takes him the Jew is not far behind planning his demise. It hides behind the Aryan man’s shadow waiting for its opportunity to destroy the civilization built completely with heterosexual Aryan hands. The clever Jew worms his way amongst the Aryans disguising himself as one of them with an eye open for weakness but finding the Aryan too noble and as close to perfection as possible the Jew, with the aide of Reptilians, learned to cross breed the different species of man for their diabolical ends. Aryan women were kidnapped from their homesteads and forced into sexual submission to Frenchmen. This bastard race in sheep’s clothing were shipped across Canada to be fostered and adopted by unsuspecting Aryans. The hybrids were French enough to be queer but Aryan enough to be straight. The gay gene that defines those tainted by French blood spread like fire across the land. Each generation produced more effeminate men than the last until finally… not a single straight man could be found amongst our Canadian neighbors.
He was our brother to the north but no more. For years the Jews have been fooling the American man into believing Canadians were just like us but recent documents have come to light on the Jewish Reptilians plan to have their homosexual Canadian army sodomize the American man into submission, covertly named Sodomy-A-Go-Go.
You’ve Been Raped By A Canadian
If the dishonor of being sodomized by a gay Canadian doesn’t get you to pull those shoulders back, tighten that jaw, and prepare a war stance then the American man deserves every painful thrust. There is still time to save yourself, American man, but only if you have the will to power.
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